Welcome to Embryo Digital Studios!

The work of
David Embleton

I can help you or your business redesign your old web site, create a new identity for your company and help you build your stationery and marketing collateral pieces such as business cards, posters, brochures and signs.

Phone: 425.890.2734

E-mail: embryods@gmail.com

Resume: Click here to open

David Embleton


My name is David Embleton. I'm a graphic designer who has worked with several clients in Seattle and San Diego. My work is produced with great attention to detail, intelligent use of typography and clear communication.

I believe that a graphic design project is successful when it visually captures the core values and culture of an organization or group. With this in mind I work to create robust, yet user-friendly web sites, vivid identities, detailed illustrations and high quality prints for businesses in all types of industries.

If I had to describe myself in a few lines, those lines would be: great team player, outstanding customer service provider, goofy dad, passionate designer and possibly the only charango player in San Diego!

The right solution to your graphic design challenge is only a click away. Please use the "Contact me" tab below to reach me.

Musical corner

When I'm not busy building websites, designing the next brochure or playing Mario Kart with the boys, I spend some time in the studio experimenting with South American folk sounds.

These experimental songs aim to express my Andean heritage - my goal is to help keep South American folk music alive wherever I go, and also find new ways to combine and interpret the exotic sounds of instruments like the charango, the kena (or quena) and the marimba. I hope you can enjoy my music!